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Life changing hacks... Guide for personal and professional greatness

Ways to Achieve Greatness

1.  Write out a 2Oyear plan For your professional as well as your pcrfOnal life. Great companies ensure that they are governed by a well thought out missio'n, vision and Value statement. A clear phi along with a statement of Your most important values will avow You to make wiser choices which will lead to less failures.

 2. Spend more time thinking. A client of mine has been one of India's most successful IT 'companies. One of their guiding philosophies is to encourage teammates to spend I/3 of their time in contemplation. Most effective human beings think more than others. Think about what you want Your life to represent. Think about how You can create more value. Think about what is not working in Your life so You can make changes. 

3.  Get into balance. Striking a balance between your work and Your personal life is not easy. It's an everyday challenge. But by working at it, your life will work much better. Schedule the time for exercise. Ensure that your family and friends get the priority they deserve. Take some time for yourself because when you feel better, you will be a source of positive energy to all those around you.

4. Take calculated risks. Every seven days, do something that makes you feel uncomfortable. The very thing that you are afraid to dois the thing that You should do first. Remember, on the other Side ofyour fears, lives Your growth.

5.  Be more loving. Great teams are built' bY authentic leaders who are not afraid to speak truthfully and show kindness. This is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength. Be loving, polite and compassionate to all those around you. This does not mean that You don't make the tough calls when You need to. what it really means is that You bring more of)tour humanity into Your life.
6.  Be different. Leaders, by definition, don't follow the crowd. Live life on your own terms. Listen to the values that are most tine to You. Be creative. Remain an idealist. 


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